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Research Training

The McDevitt laboratory has a number of opportunities for students interested in developing their practical laboratory skills through Honours, Masters, or PhD research. The projects available combine multidisciplinary approaches, including microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and biophysics, to investigate how pathogenic bacteria cause disease and how knowledge of these fundamental processes can be exploited for novel antimicrobial development.  


All of our projects will help you develop a strong range of scientific skills that will enable you to undertake further studies or help you embark on a career in research science. 


Undergraduate Opportunities

The McDevitt laboratory has opportunities for enthusiastic undergraduate students who would like to improve their laboratory skills in an actual research environment.


We currently offer placements for Summer Scholarship students over the end of year break and also for select undergraduates during the year who wish to undertake a small amount of research 1 or 2 days a week.


For more information about these positions contact Christopher McDevitt .

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Honours and Masters Projects

The McDevitt laboratory has a range of multidisciplinary projects on offer that combine molecular microbiology, microbial genetics and protein biochemistry to study the virulence mechanisms of major bacterial pathogens. A project in our lab will provide you with a strong set of research skills ideally suited for a job in science or further PhD research.


For more information see our current Honours and Masters projects or  contact Christopher McDevitt  for more information.


PhD Projects

The McDevitt laboratory has several postgraduate research projects available for students who meet the eligibility criteria. 

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